Hannibal S02E02 ‘Sakizuke’ Recap

Hannibal is now airing in the UK Tuesdays 10pm on Sky Living.


The second episode begins just where the first left us, we see the serial killers newest victim ripping himself from the mural. The opening was one of the most horrific scenes from the series so far, it was quite hard to actually watch. You really do feel as if Roland will in fact manage to escape, but those hopes are soon dashed as he hits the rocks below the cliff edge he ends up having to dive off.

Will is sat talking to both Hannibal and Alana behind bars – seems more like a cage quite frankly. He openly breaks down in front of them, confessing that he needs their support, practically on the verge of tears. We soon realise once Will is alone that it was in fact simply a show that he wanted Hannibal to witness. He is clearly more composed in the sanctuary of his own mind, ready to play his own games with Hannibal.

Will understands how much Hannibal desires him as a friend, he realises that he can use this to his own advantage and exploit the situation, utilising it for his own needs but now it seems more like a waiting game for them both.


Bedelia Du Maurier arrives at Hannibals office, this visit is to inform him she no longer wishes to be his psychiatrist as she has “begun to question” his actions. This scene shows to some degree that she is intimidated by Hannibal Lector, this is portrayed visually with the low close up camera shots of him slowly walking towards her as she keeps trying to back away creating some real tension.

A scene which I personally found quite amusing is that of Hannibal taking the place of Will at the autopsy, he manages to get in the way and look generally out of place as everyone else in the room is trying to get on with their job.

Beverly Katz mentions the idea of the “colour palette” this instantly grabs Lectors attention stating that it’s “as if Will Graham himself were in the room”. He now knows that she is taking advice from Will, this is attention she doesn’t want and could mean that her character isn’t going to have such a happy future. Jack also isn’t happy about the fact she’s been doing this behind his back, but does actually let this continue as he clearly still trusts Wills instinct.

Later in the episode Hannibal goes to discover the mural killer, but for what purpose? He actually helps him finish it – if you can actually call it help. He sews him into his own mural. Once Jack and Co come and find the mural, pictures are then shown to Will in his cell. Hannibal watches him closely waiting for him to put the pieces together, which obviously, he does.


Du Maurier appears again in this episode to reveal to Will that she believes him; she tries to console him by saying that he will survive what has happened. Finally! This at least, gives Will some hope for the future. Especially after being told that he’s not actually on trial to discover if he’s guilty or not, only on whether he actually knew what he was doing. So he did need a little cheering up.

The trial is imminent and Will is still struggling to gain any support or evidence, will Hannibal even let him go down for these murders? Surely his desired friendship would require Will to actually be out of prison.



  • This episode had some real laugh out loud moments, one of my personal favorites being the scene in which Will asks Kade Purnell if he was still an employee of the F.B.I, the obvious answer being no.
  • I have to question why Hannibal took the whole leg of his victim; he made enough for four people and sat alone in his three piece suit in the dark. I don’t know why but even with all the other goings on I still found that odd and slightly amusing. Guess he really does need a friend.
  • “Hannibal has honestly done what he believes is best for you” oh yeah, right.
  • Hannibal clearly underestimated Bedelia Du Maurier as he expected her to be at home, but she’s a clever lady and luckily already high tailed it outta there. He put on his plastic murder suit for nothing.

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